Growth height1000 m
A varietyKuskatleko
Processing methodNatural
TasteFilter: yellow apple, pear and orange.
Espresso: baked apples, pear, almond cookies.

This coffee comes from the Morazan department, which is within the Cacahuatique Mountain Range coffee region in northeast El Salvador. The name of the mountain range translates as "hill of cocoa gardens". The local people of Lenka traditionally grew cocoa, fruit trees and coffee here. But the military conflicts of the late 20th century and coffee rust have led to the fact that now only 4% of the national crop is grown here.
The territory is characterized by clay soils, where ancient forests have been preserved, in the shade of which coffee trees are grown. The climate of the region is tropical with an average temperature of 25°C and precipitation of 1100 mm. Local coffee is characterized by a creamy body, medium acidity and caramel sweetness. Cuscatlecos are one of the most popular varieties among local farmers. It is a hybrid of Villa Sarchi and Timor strain T5296 created by the PROCAFÉ Institute in El Salvador. Main characteristics of Cuscatlecos: growth height up to 1600 m above sea level, resistance to rust, rich cup, but instability between generations of trees of the variety.![]( 4ed4-8b0c-4366ae8508e4)The cooperative Asociación Agropecuaria Caficultora de la Sierra Lenca de Morazán (ACALEM) was founded in 2011. It now has more than 50 members who, led by President Rene Martinez, are actively reviving and developing their business, including through a number of international support programs. In 2017-2018, the company opened its own ecological processing station and roastery, which are the only ones that have passed the appropriate certification in all of Northern El Salvador. Currently, their services are used not only by members of the cooperative, but also by other farmers. ACALEM uses the BLUE HARVEST approach in its work, which means sustainable farm management through efficient water use, soil improvement and restoration of the region's agricultural landscapes. In 2021, ACALEM started exporting coffee for the first time.

Salvador morazan

Salvador morazan

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