Growth height1700-2300 m
A varietyred bourbon
Processing methodAnaerobic fermentation
TasteFilter: nectarine, cranberry, black currant.
Espresso: peach, blackcurrant, date.

The blend consists of lots from different areas of the Nariño department. ‎
The Nariño area is characterized by volcanic soils rich in organic substances and minerals, and the variety of thermal strata allows coffee to be grown at an altitude of 1,700 to 2,300 meters above sea level. Among the largest producing municipalities: Buesaco, San Jose de Alban, Tablon de Gómez, La Union, Consaca, Yacuanquer, Tangua. The main harvest in the Nariño department is usually from April to October, although recent climate changes have meant that for almost 4 years now, most of the area has been harvesting all year round. The most common varieties grown here are those that have been established for a long time, for example, Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Colombia, Castillo. ‎
Local farmers grow coffee on small plantations, on average 2-3 hectares. It is mostly a family business, focused on preserving traditional cultivation and processing technologies. ‎

Processing stages: ‎

  1. Manual harvesting. ‎
  2. Selection by size. ‎
  3. Selection by density. ‎
  4. Sterilization with ozonized water. ‎
  5. Ultraviolet sterilization. ‎
  6. The coffee is immersed in water with a temperature of 90 °C to emphasize the sweetness of the cherry. ‎
  7. The outer shell is removed (with crushing of the fruits into a solid mass). ‎
  8. Anaerobic fermentation is performed for 36 hours (Saccharomyces pastorianus yeast). ‎
  9. The parchment shell is washed. ‎
  10. Drying is carried out for 46 hours at 40 °C. ‎
  11. Parchment shell is removed to obtain green beans. ‎
  12. Green beans are steamed to remove silver film and open pores. ‎
  13. Grains are immersed in ethyl acetate extracted from sugar cane. ‎
  14. After removing the caffeine with ethyl acetate, the coffee is again dehydrated to a moisture content of 10%. ‎
Decaf granja paraiso 92

Decaf granja paraiso 92

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