
This PUSK is created specifically for combination with milk. ‎
To your taste - plain or vegetable, and you can also prepare it simply with water. ‎

This is the first Ukrainian instant specialty coffee. ‎

We know instant coffee has a bad reputation, but we're ready to change your mind about this product category. ‎

We prepared our sublimated coffee from the same items of coffee beans that you can find in this online store. ‎

We did not aim to create competition for well-known brands of instant coffee on store shelves. We did not set out to make coffee that would be inexpensive and accessible. There is also no goal to make instant coffee the daily coffee in your life. The purpose of this product is simple - to provide guaranteed quality coffee when there is a lack of time or selected beans at hand. ‎

We don't expect you to brew it every morning, but we want you to be able to get a delicious cup of coffee anywhere. On a train, on a plane and on a hike. When in the morning you don't have time to grind coffee and brew it according to all canons. Or when there is a large company, and brewing them for everyone becomes routine for the coffee maker. When you just wanted a quick coffee. Take "Pusk", fill it with hot water or milk and feel our care for you in the aftertaste.

Pusk for milk

Pusk for milk ‎

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