Altitude1650-1850 m
VarietyRed Bourbon
Processing methodNatural
FlavorFilter: yellow apple, quince, raspberry and lemon.
Espresso: tangerine, honey, lemon.

Gisanga coffee is grown in the Mbuye sector, Ruhango district, in southern Rwanda. This region is located at an altitude of 1650 to 1850 meters above sea level in the high mountains of the Congo-Nile watershed. This area is one of the best elements of the country's Central Plateau with an annual rainfall of 1100 to 1300 mm and an average annual temperature of 18-20°C, making it one of the most suitable regions for growing major food crops in Rwanda. The soils here are predominantly volcanic Inceptisols, which have no accumulations of clay, iron oxide, alumina or organic matter. ‎

Tropic Coffee Ltd is a family business founded in 2015, operating in 3 regions of Rwanda. ‎
Tropic Coffee supports the local population by: ‎
Creating coffee nurseries to increase production. ‎
Obtaining UTZ certification for farmers. Supporting women's groups in the production of handicrafts in the off-season. ‎

Rwanda Gisanga

Rwanda Gisanga

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